Who We Are

We strive to get children's Chinese levels up to native levels by implementing a daily routine for our students in the most creative ways.

  • We hire the best qualified native teachers straight from Taiwan and add on a couple hundred hours of training here!

  • Fun small class sizes where we build friendship and Chinese environment and community.

  • Daily work includes writing and reading at true native levels. The most rigorous curriculum in the US!

Flex Schedule

What if I Can't Make it To A Class?

Everyone has a different schedule or even live in different countries and that's why we make it easy by offering class recordings by the end of the same day. Got soccer practice? No problem! Still get that Chinese in an hour that day by viewing the recording! *If you see the same classes offered at multiple times, you can attend any times on the same day.

Sneak Peak into Our Everyday Chinese

Click Play

What Level Is My Child?

Placement by level and not by age.

We understand that in the states everyone is learning at a different level. We have created our curriculum to be fit for anywhere from Kindergarten to middle school children where the material will never seem "too childish"... but yet still native and rigorous. You can view our Levels Guide below or view our info session as well.

Everyday Chinese Info Session

Click here to play

Meet Our Teachers


米米 老師

東海大學THU中文系畢業,聯合報作文講師,十年以上中文教學經驗,任教於多所補習班、安親班、幼兒園,線上教課破千堂,注音/漢語拼音教學學習專門指導,TCSOL TQUK 國際漢語教學證照


冰淇淋 老師

國立清華大學語言與教育研究所碩士,教育部認定專業師資,師培體系出身, 107~110學年以教育部師資身份成功申請長達四年教育培育申請計畫教授超過2000堂中文課,合格證照多達上百張


Elli 老師
