About the Course

Recommended Prerequisite: Level 2 Semester 1 & 2. Should speak Chinese at home, know how to write zhuyin/pinyin for self expression, able to write 450+ frequently used characters.

Welcome to the 三上 Level 3 Semester 1! 

In this course 課程: 

  • 14 Weeks Classes 共 14 週 
  • Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (4 times a week - 每週4天)
  • Holidays - listed inside course site.
  • Time and Dates: Scroll up to Course Title
  • Recordings provided when there are schedule conflicts. (不能參加的每日都會有課堂錄影)
  • Complete Mandarin immersion 全程華語教學, 提升孩子對學中文的興趣。
  • Learn third year Chinese using traditional textbooks coupled with fun and games. 利用台灣教搭配遊戲來讓孩子愛上學/寫/說中文.
  • Presentation training 學做簡報!
  • Learn idioms and read stories on a weekly basis. 課程會包含成語教學跟提升閲讀理解能力。
  • Be able to read second grade bridge books, write over 200+ new high frequency characters, and a ton of idioms! 課程完成後小朋友們:
    • 可以自己閲讀三年級文章與橋梁書, 
    • 寫200+個常用字,
    • 學會應用很多成語!

Chinese/Age Recommendation: 

Age range: 8-14. All ages welcome but material is more fit for ages 8-14. You need to know Chinese on a third grade "native" level in order to take this course. This means someone at home should speak Chinese, or you should have someone that talks to you frequently at home in Chinese, or you currently attend Mandarin immersion at school and know how to write about 400+ characters already.  You should know zhuyin to make reading characters easier for lessons. 

Length: 50-55 minutes each


Zoom - links will be on THIS class side in the side panel labeled Class Zoom Link.

Supplies 應需用品 (自行選購):

  • Please purchase books from Gloria's Bookstore. Book list will come in a separate email after registration. 
  • Other Supplies: pencil and paper, printer to print materials, and maybe markers for drawing.

Refunds: You can request a refund up to 72 hours before class starts, otherwise, no refunds. 

Other Information:

  • This is a writing/reading class focused on the same levels as native students in Taiwan. This is not the same level as Meizhou or Huayu systems. It is much harder. As reference, 4th and 5th grade in 美洲 is equivalent to our Level 2 course.
  • Reading levels of the children in the class will be a lot higher than the chapter lessons that focuses on the writing as writing levels are always below writing levels. When a child can read a chapter book, it doesn't mean they can write every word they read. When you accumulate 2000-3000 characters in reading, many children in the US can only write about 100 characters. Our course is created to help those children catch up in writing but at the same time provided meaningful reading texts to follow their broader knowledge in reading.
  • 30% of the class will be used for writing vocabulary, phrases, essays, worksheets, etc. 
  • 30% of the class will be used for reading and stories. 
  • 40% of the class will be used for idioms and other learning materials and activities.

Written Vocabulary Covered:

Learn Like A Native!

Daily practice matters! Try our native course and see the difference it makes!

Sample Class Video


Lina 老師

國立臺灣師範大學 ,圖文傳播系,111年度教育部數位學伴教學老師,南ㄧ書局Oneclass線上國語駐站老師,線上家教超過上千堂中文課,多年國中小升學補習班經驗

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