About the Course

Recommended Prerequisite: Should know how to read with Zhuyin fluently. Should speak Chinese fluently.

In this course 課程: 

  • 14 Weeks Classes 共 14 週 
  • Mondays and Wednesdays (2 Days a week)
  • Time and dates: look in title above.
  • If you've done Reading Comprehension L1 before, please do not retake this class because the reading material will be the same. Please register for Reading Comprehension L2.
  • Recordings provided when there are schedule conflicts. (不能參加的每日都會有課堂錄影)
  • Complete Mandarin immersion 全程華語教學, 提升孩子對學中文的興趣。
  • Develop a love for Chinese using popular and humorous chapter books fit for mid elementary level Chinese. 利用幽默有趣的橋梁書來讓孩子愛上學/寫/說中文.
  • Learn idioms and read stories on a weekly basis. 課程會包含成語教學跟提升閲讀理解能力。
  • Class Objectives 課程完成後小朋友們:
    • Increase reading comprehension 閲讀理解能力加強, 
    • Write 75+ frequently used characters 學寫75+個常用字,
    • Learn over 50 idioms 學會應用50+句成語
    • Weekly word recognition flashcard exercises 每週字卡認字活動
    • Analyze the main ideas of the novels 學會分析理解故事的大意
    • Practice sentence and phrase structure, essay paragraph writing, self expression, etc. 練習造句造詞,寫作,自我表達對故事的感想,等。
  • Perfect course was created for lovers of reading and want to learn in a more interest focused matter. 為了愛閲讀的學生製造的完美中文課程。 

  • Note: this is a native level course for kids who don't want to be focused on the traditional KangXuan system but still want the rigorous daily Chinese exposure focused on large amounts of reading and sentence structure/vocabulary/short response/essay writing practice. 
    • 課程程度相當於台灣中低年級 (1-3年級),讀物從基礎到進階級。
    • 為希望大量閲讀,不想已用傳統教材來學中文的孩子而設計的課程
    • 寫字範圍:生字, 造詞,造句,閲讀問答題, 主題短文。

Chinese/Age Requirement: 

Recommended Age range: 7-10 or advanced 6 year old readers who already know Zhuyin.

Other requirements: 

  • Must be willing to write or type responses. Verbal responses through recorded videos are accepted but participation is required.
  • Must be able to read Zhuyin efficiently since there's a large amount of reading in class. We'll be going over at least four chapter/bridge books in the course of 14 weeks along with daily discussions, so speed of reading is required. If you're unsure of your level, please email us or message us and ask. If you recognize over 1000 characters, you may be able to follow along without knowing Zhuyin. Otherwise, Zhuyin is a requirement.

Length: 50 minutes each


Zoom - links will be on THIS class site in the side panel labeled Class Zoom Link.

Supplies 應需用品 (自行選購):

  • Books required will be released prior to start date. They will be available for purchase as an E-book or at www.glorias-bookstore.com 
  • If you've taken Reading Comprehension 1 Before, you should go to Reading Comprehension 2. Please don't repeat this class as the textbooks will be the same.
  • Other Supplies: pencil and paper, printer to print worksheet materials, and maybe markers for drawing.

Refunds: If you cancel 72 hours prior to course start, you can get a refund. Otherwise, no refunds.

Learn Like A Native!

Exposure matters! Try our native course and see the difference it makes!

Sample Class Video


Elli 老師
