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Welcome to the Gingerbread Comics sketch Course Page course page! 


In this course 課程: 

  • 8 Classes 共有八堂 (10/1, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3) Fridays 每周五4:00PM PST/ 7:00PM EST
  • Complete Mandarin immersion 全程華語教學, 提升孩子對學中文的興趣。
  • Use step by step pencil sketches to draw structures. 從基礎素描開始學習如何畫建築物。
  • The class will be focusing on training patience, hand and eye coordination, as well as Chinese phrases and idioms. 本期課程注重培養小朋友的耐性和手眼協調性。讓他們在有趣的活動中學會靈活運用中文成語和詞組。

Chinese/Age Requirement: 

Age range: 5+. Children will focus on listening to the story, sketching and intaking new vocabulary words. All levels welcome. Guidance will be given step by step. 我們的課通常五歲開始一直到12歲的孩子都有。 内容有深度, 五歲的孩子可以聽故事,學詞語,學基本素描。大一點的孩子會學到如何利用漫畫和書裏學到的成語. 

Length: Varies from 60-80 minutes


Zoom links will be under the lesson date/number on the class menu and you can click through to the zoom link right before class starts. All class videos will be posted here in the site. All videos access lasts for 120 days after start of class. 本課都是利用網路 zoom 在進行。 開課之前請到網頁點入 Zoom 連結上課。每堂課都會有錄影,所以沒法當天上課可以隨時參考錄影。影片會保存放網上限時120天,需要延長時間請隨時聯絡我們. 

Supplies 應需用品 (自行選購):

  • Pencil
  • Paper

Note: This is a group class and is not restricted in size. Although we try our best for everyone to participate, sometimes it's not always possible.