
別怕! 我們來了!

In this course 課程: 

  • 11 Classes 共有十一堂 
    • 1/23 - 4/28, Exclude 2/20, 3/20, 3/27
  • Complete Mandarin immersion 全程華語教學, 提升孩子對學中文的興趣。
  • Complete an essay every two classes. 每兩堂課完成一篇作文
  • How to use idioms in writing. 成語的運用與典故
  • Analyzing an essay, structure, and grasping the main point. 閱讀文章理解、分析,擷取重點資訊。
  • Learning different types of essays and strategies such as: personifications, similes, metaphors, etc. 轉化修辭(擬人、擬物、形象化)、譬喻(明諭、暗喻、略諭等)、排比與類疊、人物形象摹寫。
  • Banish boring essays while maintaining structure of a beginning, middle, and end. Learn to introduce conflict to keep your stories interesting.  課程會一段一段指導學生寫作,起、承、轉、合,如何開門見山的破題、中段文章的組織說明、強而有力的統整性節穩,書寫一篇完整架構篇章。

Chinese/Age Requirement: 

Age range: 8+. Fit for children who are already writing in Chinese, know enough Zhuyin/Pinyin to fill in the words they don't know, OR know how to type in Chinese. Our main point is to have the kids be able to express themselves through essays. Guidance will be given step by step. Essays will be graded/corrected by the teacher. 適合學中高年級的學生或喜歡挑戰自己的低年級學生。 學生必須已會: 寫字/注音或拼音表達/打字, 必須能用寫/打的方式來表達自己。

Length: ~1 hour


Zoom links will be under the lesson date/number on the class menu and you can click through to the zoom link right before class starts. All class videos will be posted here in the site.  本課都是利用網路 zoom 在進行。 開課之前請到網頁點入 Zoom 連結上課。每堂課都會有錄影,所以沒法當天上課可以隨時參考錄影。影片會保存放網上限時365天,需要延長時間請隨時聯絡我們. 

Refunds: 72 hours before class starts.