Class Preview Video

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Note, this is conversations "a" where it will cover the first half of Level 2. There has been requests for a true beginner's class and here it is! Our first ever conversations class that works on the basics to get you going. We use a different technique to get your kids started as fast as possible. Using complete immersion techniques but utilizing simpler language than our normal native classes, we will provide that first step in bridging your kids from speaking none/very little to speaking conversationally in Chinese by utilizing the most frequently used phrases and sentences. 

This class is great for students who know a little bit of Chinese, speak a little at home but cannot quite get full sentences together, have recognized some characters but cannot piece them together, have learned a little Chinese but still uses English to communicate. For those who are native at home already, please look at all our other classes. 

Levels 1 and 2 can be taken concurrently for maximum exposure but note there will be review work needed at home on off days to get the fast effect you're looking for. Those that want a fast crash course can take two together. Otherwise, take just one level at a time.

Class Dates: 

  • 6 Classes, holidays in dashboard. Due to the short three week nature of August, we may not finish the first half of 2a. Progress dependent on each class. 
  • Approx 50-55 minutes each class.

In this course 課程

  • For the beginners who need simple conversation, we will start from the basics and learn the most frequently used sentences and phrases in Chinese applicable to kids. 
    • At home
    • At school
    • At restaurants
    • At play
    • On vacation
    • And more everyday life topics!
  • Approx 50-55 minutes each class.
  • 90% Chinese, 10% English (will minimize English to only those that need an occasional explanation). 

Age/Chinese Requirements: 

  • Not age specific. You’ll need to be able to work Zoom (open link from a website, raise hands, mute, see chat link, etc.). 不限年齡。您需要能夠使用Zoom(從網站打開連結、舉手、靜音、查看聊天連結等)。


  • Zoom links will be under the lesson date/number on the class menu and you can click through to the zoom link right before class starts. All class videos will be posted here in the site.  
  • 本課都是利用網路 zoom 在進行。 開課之前請到網頁點入 Zoom 連結上課。每堂課都會有錄影,所以沒法當天上課可以隨時參考錄影。影片會保存放網上限時365天,需要延長時間請隨時聯絡我們. 

Video Option:

  • All classes will be recorded for flexibility for makeup and review.

Supplies 應需用品 (自行選購):

  • We'll be utilizing the following books for the Conversations Class Levels (sold on Amazon in multiple countries): 
  • Printer 打印機
  • Paper 
  • Pencil 鉛筆
  • Computer 電腦

Refunds: 72 hours before class starts. 課程開始前72小時。


  • Are there siblings discount? We are not offering any discounts for siblings at this time. 
  • 是否有兄弟姐妹折扣?目前我們不提供兄弟姐妹折扣.
  • Are siblings allowed to sit together? It depends on your family and how your children work together. Some prefer siblings to sit apart with different screens if possible to minimize disturbances to their study and they feel more ownership. However, there are some siblings that like to sit together and it makes them work harder. 
  • 兄弟姐妹是否可以坐在一起?這取決於您的家庭和孩子們的相處方式。有些家庭希望兄弟姐妹坐在不同的銀幕前,如果可能的話盡量分開以減少干擾,他們會感覺更有責任感。但也有一些兄弟姐妹喜歡坐在一起,這樣他們會更加努力。
  • One registration per sibling using different email addresses. Due to small and limited number of students, each sibling will require a separate registration.