Who What Where When Why?

  • Who is Student Council?

    - Student council is set up from our Everyday Chinese class with student leaders to head special events and projects to foster the school community.

  • Who is Invited?

    - The entire school community who is currently registered for Everyday Chinese and/or Elective Class students.

  • What is this event about?

    - Student council has set up a special event for Lunar New Year and will be inviting students from the entire school to attend this special one day event! The theme of the event will center around Dragon Lunar New Year, culture, and festivities.

  • Where is this taking place?

    - For our Everyday Chinese students, you will be signing in at your regular class times OR you can elect to come to other sessions on this day (or as most of you have last time, come to all sessions for a full day of fun). - Zoom link is on this site to your LEFT and you're automatically registered if you're a current student!

  • Why are we doing this?

    - To have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And... to show off our incredible students who decided to take leadership. We also wanted students to lead students in fostering a community supportive to learning Chinese because Chinese is so COOOOL!

  • When is it happening?

    - February 15th, Thursday 3PM PST, 4PM PST, 5PM PST, and 7PM PST - Feel free to attend the session at your regular scheduled time or attend them all!